Uncover Your Light

Intuitive Coaching 

Intuitive coaching is an umbrella term to describe different ways I provide for finding the way to your spark again. 
This coaching can either be through real time (online) conversation, or through a reading that I tape and post on (secured) on Youtube, just accessible for you through a link I send.

Online healing session 


We speak realtime within a time frame we have agreed upon beforehand. 
I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am UTC until 1 pm UTC

What we talk about is decided by you, how we talk about it will be intuitively led by me and the energies around us that support us. I might use cards or spirit guides messages, and I will use my experience als a psychologist, but all is given to me intuitively.

When you have requested a time to meet, I'll confirm whether that time is still available and will ask you to pay beforehand.  Your acclaimed time in the schedule is reserved for you until the money is received. For scheduling a moment to meet,  go to the bottom of this site and fill in the form. I'll send you the next available options.

 Alert: When you don't show up, there is no refund, unless you contacted me (and I confirmed that I received your cancelling) at least 48 hours beforehand.


Price* (in Euro's)

Personal healing session
(online, not recorded)

30 minutes

45 minutes

60 minutes




*When money is an issue and holds you back from asking for my support, email me. 


Money must never be the blockage for you being (more) YOU.

A videotaped personal reading

A personal reading can be either with cards or as a personal spirit guides message, or both combined.

Trust the process. I do too.

You start question can be ‘open’, like ‘what do I need to hear?’ or can be specific about how to cope with certain situation. It’s good to know that  ‘Yes or No question’ are not suitable. It’s always about you taking charge of your life again, so the answer will be in the direction of ‘ what can I do to get a good result regarding being happier, more fulfilled or more connected with myself or others.

for a glimpse of such a  reading

Price* (in Euro's)

Personal reading videotaped

3 Card reading

6 Card reading 

10 Card reading

Personal Spirit Guides Message

(link will be sent afterwards)





** During a Live on TikTok 20% discount


You always stay responsible for your own conclusions about the conversation or messages and for the actions you take as a result of that. Never take anything I bring in as the absolute truth and solution to your problem. If the message you get doesn't resonate, don't act on it, yet. And trust that the "what?' "how?" or the "when?" will become clear in time.


The courses I will bring are about strengthening your trust in yourself, in your intuition and in 'Source', the energy we all originate from. You may call it God, Allah, the Universe, or otherwise, the name doesn't matter. It's the energy of all-compassing Love, Wisdom and Strength that we all are connected to and have in us. That is the light I refer to.

All Courses will consist of two parts:

1 Guided self study part. 

When you subscribe to part 1, you will receive 27 Cards of my Black and White Oracle Deck. You get also access to clips on YouTube about  how to understand them and how  to work with them. You can assemble all the questions you have for an online meeting part, or (when our time zones don't match) a video in which I answer your questions and help you get clarity about the Cards and how to use them for your intuitive guidance.

2 Training your gift with others

In this part you can ask your questions, discuss situations and practice with each other.  This part is recommended when you want to work with others, or get more depth into the readings for yourself. It's about creating a supportive atmosphere  for learning to trust your intuition. 

When you want to read for others I will teach you how to deliver a message in a respectful and compassionate way. Practice is the best teacher. And you will be able to practice, with me supervising.

Prices (in Euro's)*

Part 1

Part 2




27 original Oracle  Cards to work with. Access to videoclips on Youtube, explaining the cards you are going to work with. A personal coach session (15 minutes) 

Access to videoclips about creating the optimal reading session. Practicing with others under my supervision. My personal feedback

There is no obligation to do both parts, but you can only start part 2 when you have done part 1.  
When you are convinced you can skip part 1, email me

In January of 2025  'Working with  your intuition', part 1 will be available. And as soon as we have  at least 8 subscribers for part 2, we can start with the group.

Assembling your own Oracle Deck:

I started to make my own Oracle deck, just to show the energies I sensed through everyday situations. 

The cards I sell in series of 9 Cards 1-9, 10-18, 19-27  and so on. 

If you are attracted by some cards but not interested in the others of the same series so you want to assemble your own deck, handpicked by me, you pay for every card separately (which will cost you more). 

When that is your choice, be aware that you have all the energies assembled in your unique deck.

Prices are in the schedule below.

At this moment there are 4 different decks to choose your cards from:

1) The Black and White cards (3 series of 81 cards) with situation that symbolically describe the energies you have to deal with.

2) The Abstract Colorful deck with cards that give instant advice 

3) The Spirit Guide Quotes deck (SGQ deck) with meaningful quotes from messages of my Soul

4) The Affirmation Deck with helpful thoughts, to remind you when times get rough and you need support.

I have assembled videoclips of different cards that I explained during the Lives. For every card there is a clip that explains them in different positions. The clips are in Dutch. De cc button in Youtube will give a translation. I hope to make a series of clips in English. But they are not ready yet.

The cards measure  5,5 by 8,5 centimeters, (2.2 by 3.3 inch) which is a small playing card size and they are laminated.
How to compose your own unique Oracle deck is explained in a document that I will send you when you are interested. Contact me.

Prices* (in Euro's)

The Black and White oracle Cards 

1 sorted series, (which contains 9 cards): 
1-9, 10-18, 19-27, 28-36, 37-45
46-54, 55-63, 64-72, or 73-81

All 81 cards of 1 series



The Spirit Guides Quotes or 
the Abstract cards deck

1 series of 30

1 series of 60 cards



* When one of the support possibilities has an appeal to you, but you cannot afford the price that is attached,
a discount is possible, for people with low income. Email me.
